Cutting-edge research targeting the main challenges of the energy sector.

The research focus of PHAETHON CoE is in intelligent, efficient and sustainable energy solutions, aligned to the European priorities to ensure a secure and renewable-based energy supply.

The CoE is timely positioned to contribute to the quest for decarbonisation in the energy domain and play a pivotal role in developing an R&I ecosystem, towards a climate-neutral economy.


Smart Energy Solutions


Empowering Energy Efficiency


Energise Future Sustainability

Commencing high-calibre research paves the way of advancing low-emission and clean energy technologies, transforming energy-intensive processes, and spearheading the next wave of industrial innovation and job creation

Themes with Key Growth Potential

PHAETHON CoE’s research success is grounded in its extensive disciplinary range and robust academic fields in the energy sector, forming the bedrock of its academic reputation.

Renewable energy sources and grid integration

Solar photovoltaic technologies, grid-flexible renewables, distributed generation

Smart grids, storage and enabling technologies

Digital energy technologies, energy storage, e-mobility, energy markets

Sustainable buildings, communities and cities

Net-zero energy buildings, building-integrated technologies, urban energy planning


Electrolysis, hydrogen storage, fuel cells, hydrogen valleys, hydrogen applications

Energy geopolitics and governance, energy socio-economics, environmental sustainability